About Me

My name is Sung-Woo Park and i was born in Seoul, Korea. I came to the US when i was 6 months old. I basically lived here my whole life. My hometown in US is in Illinoise. But i moved here due to financial difficulties 4 years ago (2006). I'm not much of a hardworker in School, just like to goof off, sleep, and always think about entertainment first.


An X-Rayed version on a person with Polydactyly


A young child with Phenylketonuria

Patau Syndrome

Patau Syndrome
A baby born with Patau Syndrome

Monday, May 3, 2010

Phenylketonuria: No diet

If untreated, the metabolism of the diet in phenylalanine results in accumulation of the amino acid in body fluids with resultant, progressive, and mental retardation

Phenylketonuria: Dieting

The diet for Phenylketonuria, is one of the most strictest and severe ones

Patau Syndrome: Occurs

Patau syndrome is the least common but one of the most severe of the disorders.

Patau Syndrome: Did you know..?

Cardiac occurs in 80% of all cases that are born with Patau Syndrome

Friday, April 23, 2010

Polydactyly: Fun fact

When u have Polydactyly most of the time you cant move the 6th finger.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Polydactyly: Did you know..?

Patau Syndrome can be removed surgically and the person will be as normal as other people.